Barber Charged with Murder in Horrific Child Abuse Case: A Call to Protect Our Communities

The barber profession is built on trust, skill, and community. Unfortunately, when someone betrays that trust in the most vile way, it leaves a dark stain on the industry. One such case has shocked Southern California and devastated a family, reminding us of the critical importance of safeguarding the most vulnerable among us—our children.
The Tragic Story of Chance Crawford
Ernest Lamar Love, a 41-year-old barber from Orange County, is facing felony charges after allegedly beating and fatally injuring 6-year-old Chance Crawford. Love, who was babysitting Chance while the boy’s mother worked a night shift, is accused of beating the child inside his Placentia barbershop after an innocent accident—Chance wet his pants while at a local park.
According to prosecutors, Love’s reaction was nothing short of horrific. He allegedly beat the first grader with a piece of raw lumber and poured hydrogen peroxide on his open wounds. As if that weren’t enough, Love reportedly forced the boy to perform physical exercises like sit-ups and jumping jacks until the young child collapsed from exhaustion and trauma.
Failure to Seek Help in Time
Instead of calling 911 when Chance became unresponsive, Love waited and took him to the Children’s Hospital of Orange County hours later. Doctors at the hospital discovered devastating injuries, including severe wounds on the boy’s body, brain swelling, and signs of violent shaking. Tragically, Chance succumbed to his injuries on September 3rd, leaving a community in mourning.
A Betrayal of Trust
Investigators revealed that Love had met Chance’s mother through a church in Lake Elsinore. To make matters worse, Love had previously been suspended from the church for inappropriate behavior, yet had continued to have a presence around families and children. Despite his troubling history, Chance’s mother once considered Love a friend and had trusted him to care for her son.
This case serves as a heartbreaking reminder of how trust can be manipulated by individuals hiding their true nature. Barbers, like many in service-oriented professions, hold a special place in their clients' lives. The idea that someone could use that position to harm rather than help is deeply disturbing.
Seeking Justice
Love has pleaded not guilty and is being held without bail. If convicted, he faces 32 years to life in prison. While no sentence can undo the pain caused by his actions, we hope justice is served and that this tragedy sparks a renewed focus on child safety.
At the end of the day, those who harm children are the lowest of the low. As a community, we must always be vigilant in protecting the innocent and holding people accountable for their actions. Our hearts go out to the family of Chance Crawford during this incredibly difficult time.
Final Thoughts
No profession is immune to bad actors, but it’s up to all of us to ensure that these individuals are rooted out and held responsible for their actions. Barbers, stylists, and other professionals have a duty to uphold the trust placed in them by clients and their families. Let this be a reminder that we must never take that trust for granted.